It was immediately clear that the sonorous theme of the meeting “Dota 2 is the road to hell?" – just a reason. Since ancient times, the well -known tactics of the Church – angry the audience, then to turn them to your faith – she has always worked, and now works now.
And the small hall with columns was filled with young people, slightly similar to stereotypical gamers. All of them came to the lecture of the Orthodox activist Dmitry Enteo , To find out why 666 Dota 2 hours – this is a direct ticket to hell. Enteo rises to the rostrum and is preparing to bring the flock of God's word. And his disciples began to him, and he, open his mouth, taught them, saying: “Life should make sense that goes beyond the limits of death”.
On the agenda – the issue of preserving the soul. Agree, skip this for a journalist is a sin!
The Holy War begins here
And do not be afraid of those who kill the body, who are unable to kill;
And be afraid more than who can destroy the soul and body in hell.
(Matt. 10:28)
The gathered audience studied two people with curiosity, silently looking at her in response. The imperial tricolor and a huge icon with Emperor Nikolai Romanov unequivocally loomed. By the cassock not compatible with the hot weather, the future participants of the Holivar instantly determined the identity of the priest Valentina Kirkulaeva. But his colleague caused much more interest. Meet Dmitry Tsorionov, aka Enteo. A person who looks simultaneously at David Blain and the unshaven Ezio Auditor, the founder of the public movement “God's will” and an extremely contradictory personality.
Having become famous for the scandal with Pussy Riot, he unfolded extensive activities and became the main favorite of the yellow press. Attack on the Darwin Museum and Art Exhibition. Aggressive propaganda for the ban on abortion. Numerous provocations disagreeing with the position of "God's will" of citizens. Attempts to disrupt concerts of “insulting religious feelings” of groups such as Behemoth and Slayer. And it doesn’t matter that Slayer's work is as close to Satanism as Justin Bieber to develop games. Satanic songs, which means that a scandalous Orthodox activist has something to do. At the same time, Dmitry Enteo is by no means stupid and not ignorant. On the contrary, he is very well -read and ready to recognize other people's beliefs if they do not go against his own.
“My goal is to live from communion to participle. So that God is constantly in me. This is called asceticism, a very complicated science, – said Enteo in a personal conversation.- Every day we make a choice. Blue with a girl or repent. Indulge in gluttony or eat only the necessary. Every day we make an infinite number of mini-shoots leading to something more ". Such an approach to life is more likely to be supporters of the theory of chaos than for the believer. However, Dmitry believes that a similar choice gives him the Creator.
Orthodox also love Dota 2
Enteo is a contradictory figure. This person is known for the master's throws of eggs into the heads of representatives of the LGBT movement, an attack on the Darwinsky Museum with the creationist banner of 7522 (supposedly the Universe was created by God 7522 years ago) and a fight with the guard of Marlin Manson. According to available information, the bodyguard broke Dmitry's nose.
[[Bullet]] Player in Dota 2 with an experience of more than 1,400 hours right during the lecture drew the character Phantom Lancer. Enteo kindly put an autograph under the drawing.
My friends and I were almost late for the Enteo lecture – we arrived at the last minute. One of the friends needed to urgently buy a gift for your girlfriend. Collection sword from "Game of Thrones" is not so easy to find in Moscow stores. Why am I all this? This friend has already played more than 1400 hours in Dota 2, and he met his future wife in this game. Who will say after that that Dota 2 is the road to hell?
“Dota”, of course, was used as a bait-first of all, Dmitry still wanted to talk about God, draw attention to the problems of abortion and escapism and at the same time remind everyone that life is a short thing, so we must rationally spend the allotted time. Dmitry did not have deep knowledge of “Dota”, but he said that he intends to fight the bill of deputy Yevgeny Fedorov on the prohibition of anti-Russian games-in some wild way Dota 2 was among them.
Many consider Enteo an idiot, but this is not so. Dmitry is an erudite and well -read person who does not idealize our country. So, he honestly said that he doubts that Russia will ever create a good Orthodox-educational game. And thank God! By the way, Dota 2 is not forbidden yet, but we will closely monitor Fedorov’s bill.
Author: Anton Bely
► It is curious that Enteo has nothing against Minecraft. About Black & White, alas, we did not have time to ask.
Of course, if the meeting was a frank recruitment of the flock, all the “sinners” would instantly go home, to the darling of the Foreign Ministry, so the priest Valentin Kirkulaev assured the guests first that religion had nothing to do with it, but he was here as a “private face”. Dmitry, as a more experienced speaker, immediately intercepted the initiative with the question “whether everyone knows what Dota 2 is? ". A wave of laughter was his answer. “And who played how much? 200 hours? 500 hours? 2000 hours? " – the number of hands all decreased and decreased. Finally, full of doubt, he asked to rise to the one who spent more than 3,000 hours in the Satanic game. Smiling shyly, stood up an unsurpassed life burner named Arkady. And honestly admitted that he killed his brother, because he prevented him from playing. The competition of trolls has begun.
► expectations did not materialize: Holivar did not happen, everything behaved correctly.
The magnificent Valentin Kirkulaev, dressed in a cassock, began to be taken out of the lost souls, as they learned about this meeting. Whether the “God's will” came to the activities of “God's will”, and most importantly – whether they support her. Only Arkady's raised hand was his answer. To simplify contact with the audience, Mr. Enteo proposed to call Father Valentin Paladin. Awarded such a high title added that morality will not read.
“You all know that you will become schizophrenics and that you will have a discord in the family,” Valentin said, in fact that he had a “father” in Counter-STRIKE and former player in Ultima Online. His conviction is that the games are like cigarettes, and it is impossible to interrupt for at least a week, they caused condescending smiles in a couple of lovely girls with Dota 2 pendants.
The meaning of life
Escapism is an interesting thing. We all need a place where you could run away and forget about pressing problems. Otherwise, under the yoke of routine and experiences about all sorts of little things, you can easily "burn out". Such a place has long been also a church – people came and come to the temple of God, first of all, in order to distract and think about the mountainous, rather than earthly.
Realizing this, listening to Dmitry’s monologue about reality as a genuine game was very exciting. “I am convinced that quasi -reality should not replace real life. After all, normal games, not Dota 2, is a surrogate and simulation of life, ”said a church lecturer. -To score for the main goal for the sake of playing ping-pong, you must admit, stupidly ".
“Let me disagree,” the unknown from the hall opposed. -Someone has the purpose of life-to run the fastest, and he constantly sticks out at the stadium. And someone plays the “DOTOK” for days, wants to win International and take five million home ”. But Enteo already safely forgot about Valve’s gold egg and switched to Asians and World of Warcraft.
“Agree, people drive more on WOW than Dota 2. They are crazy. And imagine that your younger brother delements your character. Just presses Delete, and the years of your life disappear, ”says the past Manhunt Dmitry. And soon the main message of this strange conversation about Dota 2, life and the murdered brother of iWild Casino sister sites Arkady becomes clear. “The pleasures received throughout life do not matter. Life should make sense that goes beyond death. Neither wealth, nor power, nor our children after death will mean anything. The purpose of our existence is to get 100% statistics after death and access to the continuation of the game, posthumry. We have evidence that the meaning of our life is outside this life. ". I remember that Marcus Persson (notch) complained that he did not understand what and that he has no inspiration. The solution to the problem has already been found.
30 minutes before ..
My soul began to burn in hell even before I crossed the threshold of the hall.
Before the event, half an hour. Visitors have not yet entered the assembly hall, stand outside, examine each other and the facade of the Center for Slavic Writing. Next to the bas -relief of Seraphim of Sarov, two young people are discussing Dota; A little later, two modest girls in scarves took pictures against the background of Hieromonk and went to the museum of Igor Talkov – the entrance in the courtyard.
A sad guard came out of the door in a dirty black T -shirt with numbers 282 – the latter is a masculin so that unnecessary questions did not arise. He came up to me, nodded to the camera. I asked if I was not writing out what, – the lens is covered by the camera, she does not write an audio and video.
The administration does not really love such meetings, he says. In addition, the center is not needed at all unnecessary attention and problems. Say, here peace and peace, Russian language is taught in the courses bright people. After that, the dialogue takes a dramatic turnover. “Tell me,” the guard asks menacingly, “you are a Jedi? »I don’t have time to answer a tricky question, the guys pass by, and the attention of a man who was choking from a hops switches to them:“ You are also a Jedi? »Guys are joking – since we are the Jedi, then you are definitely falling. The guard does not think for long about his difficult fate and, grunting under his breath: “Fall … that? ", Turns to me and laments:" In a good way, I should not be here, but I thoroughly got drunk ".
His colleague in the purple polo passes by-there are some spots on the clothes, in the hands of a terrible species of forceps, they can rather be seen in the museum of torture instruments, and not in the center of Slavic writing. A man in a T-shirt from 282 wants to say something to a comrade, but a man with black forceps passes by.
The good -natured guard addresses me again and asks what TV channel I work on. “I really look like a TV? " – I answer a question with a question. The guard sighs heavily: “And I look like a person who is ignored? "
The questions remained unanswered, but I understood who Enteo looked like-for some reason, after the lecture, young people are ready to take pictures with him and write on social networks: “Boys, Enteo-just awesome. Here are no jokes. I am absolutely delighted, beautiful demagogue, even showman. Van Love ".
There is not even a problem in Dota. In my opinion, this is great.
Author: Jan Kuzovlev
The secret of success
Enteo is considered the protege of the State Department of the United States, then by the agent of Mossad, or even completely reckoned with the Freemason. As if confirming his Masonic position, he tells the players about reliable sources of information who whispered to him that it was Dota 2 – Satan in the form of binary code.
"Dota 2 is a brilliant game. There are so many combinations of objects, skills and strategies in it. It is special " – after these words Enteo, applause broke through. “But do you know how Dota 2 appeared? At first there were zeros and units. Then, through a series of breakdowns, the first games on DOS appeared. The fall of the system turned them into Warcraft. And her breakdown led to the appearance of Dota ". So that's why Valve does not want to release for so long Half-Life 3! Just the second part is still not broken enough.
► If you do not want to get to hell, playing Dota, choose what is on the right.
But why the topic of the lecture was chosen by Dota 2, not lol or … football? This reasonable question was asked more than once, but no one gave a clear answer to it. As, however, on most other questions. The Orthodox duet went into the wilds of reasoning about the pumping of holiness and prayer as a skill in a role -playing game and often stepped over the line behind which irrational and surrealist. But the experienced manipulator Enteo presented everything so competently and inspired that even frankly strange things turned into reasonable arguments. And it got a little scary. At the very beginning, Dmitry said that those who believe that they could not forbid dota 2 are laughing in vain. A certification close to the threat, then it seemed really ridiculous. But after an hour of communication with the leader of religious marginals, I no longer wanted to laugh at all.
The veteran of the two military campaigns, Andrei, with his arrival, marked the final victory of the Holy Metaphysics over common sense. Stunning the book of the Orthodox psychologist Zorin “Obsessed. Dependence: computer, game, nicotine … ”, with foam at his mouth, he proved that games spoil children. Both Kirkulaev and the former officer claimed that while Dota 2 lovers are preparing their duscles for hell, real men are of anest their character in the southeast of Ukraine. Well, come to God. Battalions.
And so that we are completely ashamed of a aimlessly lived life, full of confidence in his innocence Andrei told one story. She is about a nineteen -year -old young man who was captured by one very dangerous subject nicknamed "executioner". For some reason, the owner of an unambiguous nickname suggested that the young man take off his cross, otherwise he would kill. To which the believer answered: “No, I will not take it off” – and sagged in chains for two years. And in the end, of course, died. “And you want to die heroes? " – Smiling, Andrei asks. " No! " – shout in response to him. “And you will die anyway. Just those who believe – they will die by heroes, ”the officer concludes.
* * *
Religious representatives asked a lot, but were not going to answer. They compared the percentage of headshot and life after death. Claimed that holiness is swinging like a skill. But they never said why Dota 2 will send you to hell.
In general, there is nothing strange in this. For all the years of its history, the church is used to asking and listening, but not to answer the most important questions in life. Please look for answers, please, in sacred texts. We were looking. And found several sins in them, for which they fall into hell. But about "Dota" there, fortunately, nothing is said.